Dec. 29, 2020

Season 2 Ep. 6 // Finish 2020 Strong and Start 2021 Right

Season 2 Ep. 6 // Finish 2020 Strong and Start 2021 Right

                          Distance creates distortion and distraction can mean destruction.

This is the last episode of the 2020. We take some time and chat about the year and offer some tips for Finishing 2020 Strong and starting 2021 with a bang.

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Last Episode of the Year

Bryan: welcome to season two, episode six. Amplified marriage podcast today, we are talking about finishing strong.

[00:00:49] welcome to another episode of amplified marriage. I'm Natalie Bryan, wherever you are, whatever you're doing. You've heard us say this before. Grab a coffee, gravity, get comfy. Turn on those Christmas lights. I'm looking at mine. We're so glad that you've joined us for our last chat of 2020. Absolutely. And in case you missed last week's episode, we finished up our five week series on the four communication styles.

[00:01:17] And L we ended with assertive communicator where it was really good, where we want to end up as a communicator. This is the best practice, best practice, the healthy way to communicate. And so today we just want to have just a quick chat kind of rolling into 2021. Even if we're thinking about this last.

[00:01:40] Or just like thankful this year is finally coming to a close I'm sure that seven months, depending on where you are and when it started for you, wherever you're listening from. Our started at the, just in the last middle of March. Yeah, middle of March last. So we've had our on and off and our ups and downs since March.

[00:01:58] And so, I mean, Going into this, we know that it's a little bit different and we keep saying this with people. I said, we're all in the same storm. We're in the COVID storm, the pandemic storm, whatever you want to call it. But we're in different boats. Circumstances are different. Your relationship may be different.

[00:02:14] Your kid's situation may be different the way your city or your town or your country or your state or your wherever you are, the way they did school may look different the way they opened up there. Their churches may be different or the way they opened up their grocery stores may be different than ours, but we're all in the same storm.

[00:02:32] Yeah. And so we want to talk about that kind of having a perspective shift, maybe going from 2020 into 2021. Yeah. Right. And, and how, how do you, maybe you've not even thought about this. How do you finish strong as a married couple in a year that has been vastly different from any other year? Yeah. I mean, in our own experience of 19 years of marriage, we've not had a year like this ever.

[00:03:00] Right. And like how, how have you thought this year has been, like, if we were look back in 10, the last 11 months, just kind of give like a four point or a short, how do you think it went? Yeah. Monologue, a brief monologue. Well, Being here. We're in Canada. And so our province, each province deals with things differently.

[00:03:32] And so I have to say it's not been as ridiculous or as. Awful as I thought it was going to be right. I am a type of person that does not enjoy change of any sort, unless I'm behind the change. And so for that, I didn't know quite how I would respond to things being shut down. I think I got really irritated with the toilet paper, hoarding people.

[00:04:04] So if you're a toilet paper hoarder, totally not cool. And because we live with your 90 year old grandma, like there was things that she, things that she couldn't even access because of people panicking. Yeah. So there were irritants is, but on the whole I'm grateful that you were still employed and while.

[00:04:31] I have two jobs. My one job it's gone Virginia, two jobs after like in the last four months, like my Other job, I teach vocals. And so that was able to continue oddly. Yeah, it looks fun. It looks a lot different with all the protocols and stuff like that, but I'm so grateful that we're still able to do that right.

[00:04:55] With all the face shields and things like that. So it's on that scale of things. I'm so incredibly thankful that. We've had employment, right? So there's not been that stressor at this point. And then in that place, I think we've been really challenged on how we can be a blessing to others, others in our community that might have a different story.

[00:05:26] And so I'm grateful that we could be an extension. And be a blessing to someone who's been in need as far as like the financial side of things personally, I have loved having you home. And I may be an oddity for a wife enjoying her husband around all the time, but I do. I love having you home. Our children love having you home.

[00:05:48]We school our children with an online school, so we're all together all the time. I like the kids. And I, so even at the beginning when they're like, Oh, we're in lockdown. We're like, well, that doesn't change how we do school. We just happened to be it wasn't crisis schooling. No, as me to be a homeschooling.

[00:06:03] This is our ninth year. For those of you that have had your children in a brick and mortar school and were forced. To like transition really quickly to schooling them at home. That is not what online school or homeschooling is even like. Right, right. So those of you are like, I could never homeschool.

[00:06:22] That is not what homeschooling is like. That was emergency school. Yeah. Yeah, it's a totally different thing. So for me, for being able to continue for the kids. Yeah. That was a huge blessing that, that, you know, I'm. What eight or nine years into doing this with the kids. So it's not like it came as a shock to me.

[00:06:42] We still had our day flow as smoothly as possible. The only sort of difference was having you home during that time. So there was some irritations with like the zoom calls and the zoom meetings, interfering with the kids it's online math or, or having to make it all work. Right. I mean, to like organize a schedule that worked better, but that's like minor comparatively.

[00:07:03] Yeah. I feel like. We got to spend quality time together. Lots of hiking, lots of hiking travel whole lot. So we had to put off a bunch of plans. Yeah. Oh yeah. Like that was you. Didn't I was irritated, irritated the small word. Like we had travel birthday plans for our kids and like rock climbing for our other son and things that we just couldn't do.

[00:07:28] So those are like an IOU at a later time, but. I have appreciated having you home for that stability, right. In, in just dealing with, you know, bickering children or whatever it might be. And even just. For us to communicate more often throughout the day then than it would be like when you're at the office.

[00:07:53] Yeah, I knew it was funny because someone asked us because in this time we've started the podcast, which is something that we didn't think that we were ever going to do. And we just started the podcast and it's been actually really quite successful in the fact that people are getting our content is really what we wanted to be able to help.

[00:08:10] Couples in this time when we couldn't actually meet face to face or even do groups like we were doing through church. Yeah. Marriage groups and grow days, two days and things like that, where we bring couples together and we teach and we do that. We couldn't do any of those things. And so we wanted a way, an outlet where we could actually reach couples with permanent content where you can actually go back and listen to it.

[00:08:30] We did a lot of zoom, a marriage group meetings in the first place, six months and zoom, marriage counseling, zoom, marriage counseling. We do a lot of marriage counseling, which. Is actually a really good tool. And so we learned, we learned a few things on the fly on there's been some frustrations and anger to the change.

[00:08:49] Like you said, with the things that we're doing with the kids on a personal level we've really adapted. Well that way there, we had to come through some communication barriers that when you're home a lot more, you get each other's nerves. And sometimes the response is a little bit snappier than it should have or this right.

[00:09:06] Cause you know, even though we communicate fairly well now, well now in our marriage, You were still going to work from eight to four 30 every day. Well, eight to end with breaks and hours, hours looked completely different. Yeah. Yeah. So you'd come home and it was the schedule that we were used to. And so having you home was a shift in that schedule.

[00:09:31]So we had some discussions that we had to have on how to, how to make it work so that. The kids day wasn't lacking as far as their schoolwork and as far as extracurricular things that we were able to do. Yeah. And, and that, you know, you, weren't irritated in a zoom call with like a kid running down the hall or whatever what happened.

[00:09:51] Right. I mean, inevitably. Yeah. That's one of our pastor that our leader would be like, so what was that noise in the background? Oh, nothing. It's just one of the kids screeching at the other one. Cause they stole his pencil, like something weird, dumb like that. So we had to do a lot of change on the fly and actually gets really exhausting, you know, like on a, on a level of Natalie and I and our family.

[00:10:13] We're probably the closest we've ever been. And I, and I can speak to for a lot of families that actually went that way, where they live, but on a, on a I'm a pastor. And so on a church level, it has been the most up and down roller coaster stressful. No sleep tents type of year for me, for our pastor, for our team, to be able to communicate I've had to put in some of the weirdest hours dealing with like fresh technology, frustration technology, recording services, doing things differently, zoom calls to, to deal with issues and maintaining.

[00:10:50] The health officials protocols, because they were almost changing on a daily basis. And so, you know, you'd have this plan and then that was scratched. And then you had like a day and a half to come up with a new plan that met that met the requirements. So yeah, there was a lot of, yeah. Sometimes for a month, Monday bunny Henry meeting to a Tuesday, we got to change all of our protocols now.

[00:11:14] Yeah. Yeah. So I think on one hand, it really allowed. Creative ideas to flow in a much broader range, then maybe it's wasn't a scheduled. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, like I think we were able to as a church team really Creatively look at how can we do things differently? How can we make our online presence more engaging and really think outside the box.

[00:11:43] So I think that was a good thing. Yeah. And it was also the same for you. I roll with the punches fairly well. I have for a long time. You do not. And I think this year, if anything has made you a more flexible whole yeah. I know you said that with such incredible incredulity, you're like more flexible.

[00:12:01] Yeah. You, you become actually a lot more flexible than I've seen you ever in the years that we've been here. Well, that's a win for 2020, so you can see that's not just a win for you. That's a win for me. It has to saves us less arguments and discussions about things. And like, we can just do this. I've already.

[00:12:19] Cause I'm a very much a, I see what we can do. And I can see that the things that will go wrong and the things that'll go right. All within a short period of time, then the decision to go forward. You're like, no, I need to have everything planned out one to 200 points just to make sure everything is going to go smooth.

[00:12:33] And so I think that's a win and I'm happy about that. And so we do know that that our reality. It's going to be different than your analysis. Yeah. We have friends that they've lost their jobs. We've had couples that have have in this time that we know that are struggling and are close to breaking up.

[00:12:51] We know lost their homes, people that have lost their homes. There's been people in the hospital that they can't. So, whatever your story is, Man. We want to be able to carry that with you and bear that burden with you. We know this year hasn't been, hasn't been the easiest. And so we want to, we want to leave you with three or four things about finishing strong this year.

[00:13:13] How in the midst of these uncertain circumstances, Right. How does one even wrap their mind about finishing strong when we're all like, can we just be done? Like we want to be done. We just want to sweep, sweep, you know, go to sleep and then wake up. And it's a whole new year. And that's great, except that I think there's, there's some.

[00:13:37] Nuggets or there's some real learning opportunities that this year has brought about. And so the one of the first things is that we, we learned right at the beginning of all, this is we had to shift our perspective and it really is a tough one. And. You know, whatever your new year's resolution is, as you want, it wants you to stop what you're doing wherever you are.

[00:14:02] Even if you're sitting here right now, listening with your spouse or your boyfriend or girlfriend or your fiance, we want you to stop what you're doing. Look at whoever you're with. That's your partner, and just decide that they are for you and not against you. That will save you. You may, right now you could be 25 years in a marriage and you just feel everything that your spouse or your partner is doing is against you.

[00:14:27] You could be very early in your relationship. And you still think that they're for you and I want you to keep that perspective because at the beginning of good healthy, and in the midst of everything, if you can believe that your spouse is for you, man, it'll change, it's a game changer in your relationship.

[00:14:46] Yeah. And I think we spent a lot of years fighting each other on that very thing instead of taking a step back and, and. Choosing, I think we got there, we got to that place where we chose each other. It seemed like there was like 14 years of just, there was some really good times. We had a lot of really after the first few years were finished.

[00:15:09]There's some really good times, but it just seems like. We were fighting each other all the time. Like on little things, it felt like w if I bring up this up to her, she's going to be like, that's the dumbest idea. And there are some times you're like, Brian, that's a really dumb idea. And you're like, you're right now that I said it out loud, it really is stupid.

[00:15:27] Yeah. But yeah. I think we spend a lot of time just being at odds and fighting instead of being for each other, it always seemed like we were against each other until we finally just were like, no, we can't do this. This isn't working. Let's shift our perspective and how we're going to approach each other.

[00:15:42] That's right. How and shift your perspective and how you're gonna communicate. Yeah. Because if something. Isn't working. And this is the point that we had to get to was clearly the way that we were communicating wasn't working. So what did we have to lose to try a new way of communicating or to learn a new way of communicating?

[00:16:03]And we really had nothing to lose because nothing was working anywhere. And the thing is, you know, that saying, it just came to me. You know, that that saying is if it's not broken, don't fix it when you're in the middle of a marriage that Everything. That should be the exception is your normal, all the worst possible things all the way you communicate the bad way you communicate the name, calling the arguments, the fights, all of that.

[00:16:25] It becomes normal to you and you don't know that it's broken. And so there's times that you you're like, man, there's something off here when those times happen, jump on it and be like, how can I shift my perspective and change things to look a little bit differently than it was that's right. And I think shifting the perspective on how keeping it personal, right?

[00:16:44] Yeah. I not, how can I shift your perspective to the situation or I tried it doesn't work. How can I shift your perspective towards me? And then you start manipulating behaviors, no shifting perspective on taking, Hey, how can a personal inventory, how can I. Shift my perspective, right? What are ways that I can look at the situation or look at my spouse differently, or look at this year differently.

[00:17:13] Maybe this year hasn't had a tremendous amount of effect on you. That might be your reality. And so you're like, I'm gonna see what the big deal is. Okay. There's still an opportunity in that to how then can I make 2021 better? Right. That leads us to number two. Choose each other, you know, when you get married and you say your vows, and there are many like modern ways or traditional ways that one would say their vows.

[00:17:39] But one of the ways that I have heard is I choose you. And I think making that choice every day to wake up and say either verbally or say it in your mind, I choose. My spouse. I choose you come hell or high water we're in this together. Yeah. Well, and it's, it's your, it maybe, honestly, some of the things that we may be saying, you were like, Oh, this, I saw this in a romcom comedy movie, we're saying, and they may sound super cliche.

[00:18:14] This is one of those times where if it's not broken, don't fix it. These are real. Things that actually are working. If you change your perspective, shift your perspective and realize that they're not against you, they're for you. You're going to actually choose this relationship. You're going to choose to not let.

[00:18:31]Your friends, your toxic friends, if you have toxic friends, are the ones that are speaking in the background that are like, Oh, you can do this better. Or they could, they are they're bad. Like this choose the right friends. That can maybe be the next point, but choose the next, choose the right friends.

[00:18:44] But shift your perspective, allowing any of the circumstance or friends to pull you apart, even your own children. Yeah. All our children have tried to pit us against each other. And it just because not because they're doing a thing, but they will, they will manipulate to suit their needs. And so for example, our daughter will, will be like, Hey mom, can I have this?

[00:19:11] And I'd be like, mm, I don't think so. That's okay. I'm going to go ask dad. And she does, and I can hear my husband in the other room. And he's like, what did mom say? And she's frustrated because she just had the answer. Do you know what I mean? But how many times? And it's happened where they, we didn't ask, what did the other spouse say?

[00:19:31] And our, and our, and we gave our kids whatever it was, they had asked. Yeah, sure. That's not a problem. And then you've come in the room or I've come in the room and be like, what are they doing? I already said, no. Right. So it starts like that. Yeah. Right. Right. Of just making sure that your, whether it could be family members who were just not speaking life into your relationship.

[00:19:53] And so being able to choose each other. Regardless of the circumstances, regardless of what you've done to me, we're talking like a normal relationship where, you know, my irritation with you and leaving our clothes on the floor, let's say whatever that has built up to be being able to lay that aside just for a moment.

[00:20:19] And being like, you know what, like we're dealing with this stuff, but I still choose you. Right. And so one number one was shifted your perspective. The next one was, choose each other. The next one, choose to draw together. The next one is refocus your focus. So ask yourself what, where has my focus shifted that I need to refocus it back on what actually matters?

[00:20:44] And the reason that we. Add this in like this or say it like this is that there's two things that came to mind. One is distraction. Equals destruction. Mm. If your needs, aren't getting filled by your spouse because you didn't communicate them. They're not drinking, you're not talking to each other, right.

[00:21:04] Or just even if you're in a healthy place, but things are just not going out the way, what can easily happen and what can get thrown in front of you? Is it someone else with the opposite sex can come in and fill that emotional need temporarily? And so that's how. And it happens gradually and easily.

[00:21:20] And you begin to have an emotional affair, which could possibly down the road lead to a physical affair. But if you're distracted because you're not shifted, you didn't shift your perspective, you didn't choose your relationship. And that's where your focus really is. And we need one, we're asking, say if the grasses, if you look on the other side of the grass and you think that the grass is greener over there, we say you need to water the grass.

[00:21:42] That's right. That's a clear indication. If, if you are. Filling that void. Through someone else's affirmation or through something else that provides affirmation that's that should be a clear indicator that you need to refocus your focus. Right. And, and the other thing is that distance creates distortion.

[00:22:04] If we're distant from our spouse, the things that they do, they say they mutter that w we will just it'll be distorted because our view is already skewed because we're not in an intimate. Close building relationship with each other. We're not choosing each other. We're not willing to shift our perspective.

[00:22:23] We're not focused. We're just creating lending distance and, and, and distraction create destruction for us. That's right. So what does that look like to refocus your focus? Refocus your focus. Yeah. You got to double down and like here's, here's the thing. Is, if you are surrounded by good friends, one of your friends is going to say, she would say to you, where's your focus right now?

[00:22:46] Right? Because I see you talking to. Emily in the break room or who are you texting all the time or what's the email going on or when your wife says where, where, where are you? Why didn't you come home at six? Like you said, he came home at eight 30. That's maybe, yeah. Or I hear that you're always talking down about your spouse.

[00:23:06] Yeah. Or the other thing is too, is that the real truth could be that you're not having emotional affair. You're just in such a place with your spouse that you're just not coming home because it's easier to be out than it is to come. Yeah. And I think early on in our marriage, that was your goal too, was like, cause you knew it was going to be 1,000,000,001 attitudes when you got home.

[00:23:26] And cause I felt justified to know. Like, what were you were doing? And you were just like, it's just better to work long hours because it's quiet. Right. Which doesn't help when you're trying to communicate and work through issues. But I was just going to give a practical way that just one idea for, for focusing on the spouse.

[00:23:52] So for us, it required my refocusing. To, to start the process where it like was contagious, so to speak. So I really saw you through a very dirty lens. And it was skewed and it was, you know, when you're looking through something that has spots and smudges, you don't see it clearly, like, and that's how it was looking at you.

[00:24:18] And I was so focused on all the things that you said you were going to do, but didn't do. And all the things that you didn't do. Right. And just on and on and on. And that really took root in my heart. And there came a point. I had mentioned in the earlier podcasts where I had, where the, I really felt like.

[00:24:38] God was speaking to me about not honoring you. And so I literally, here's my refocusing. My focus asked for, I prayed and I was like, how can I love this man? Like, I know I'm supposed to no strings attached. Unconditionally. I had to draw from like, clearly I loved you because I wouldn't have married you.

[00:25:07] And sometimes that gets distorted over the years of the unmet expectations and the not voicing and not communicating or communicating in unhealthy ways. You kind of forget what you loved about the person to begin with. And so I really had to get back to that place of basics of like, Kay married him.

[00:25:27] I know that that, that man is in there somewhere right now. So then all that to say, how long did it take for that kind of new car smell to come back? That was a long process, but it was a good three months before it became slightly easier to think of ways. And I'm a journaler and maybe you don't journal.

[00:25:54]Maybe you just need to like, Right. Post-it notes or however, or you need to voice that to your spouse, but I, yeah, I journaled and I would text you and I would text you three things that I loved about you. And let me tell you, it was so hard. To think of three things that I loved about you, because I didn't want to just be like, you've got great hair, you've got beautiful blue eyes.

[00:26:18]And do you know what I mean? Those are all very interesting and that might be, and there's nothing wrong with that, but for me, I'm like, okay, we got to get past, that's only gonna last so long and they don't have to really think deep left side of your hair is especially wavy. I wanted to, to see if that, cause I was really challenged.

[00:26:40] To come up with a different, new, normal, a different pattern, because the way that we were going, wasn't working for me and you kind of alluded to it, but you said when we've talked about this in our past episodes, but it took you like two or three months to finally. Get to the place where I can actually text him and tell him those three things that I like about him.

[00:27:00] And I began to be excited. Right? Yeah. It took a long time take a long time. And so don't feel like, Oh my goodness, this isn't happening overnight. It's not going to happen overnight. Here's where we want to drop you some hope. We had a really terrible relationship and. Wasn't abusive, like physically abusive.

[00:27:21] I'm pretty sure I was a bit emotionally abusive. Now. I know I was a bit emotionally abusive, possibly a little bit spiritually abusive, and we had to work through some of those issues, but there's hope in the fact that we barely communicated. Natalie spent her days crying. I spent my days angry. We finally w but we kept on choosing each other and I will tell you that things will change once you refocus your focus.

[00:27:43] Once you are willing to shift your perspective, once you choose each other and, and you move in that direction where you're choosing each other or everything else. Things will change. That's right. And it'll be like two degrees shifts. It'll be just small shifts. And all of a sudden, you, you actually look at your spouse with different eyes and joy that they're there and you're happy that they're there and things change.

[00:28:06] And all of a sudden you can communicate to your, your patients, your patients with each other. I am notoriously impatient and I ended up notoriously get frustrated with. Too many questions while I'm trying to do things. And I found myself getting more and more. I'm not perfect. I still make an I still sometimes I'm like, Oh, just stop.

[00:28:26] But. I find myself being a lot more grace giving and a lot more patients and a lot more, or having a lot more patients, a lot more, a willingness to just kind of talk my way through instead of just dismissing. Those were, those are for me, but as you change and as things happen in your end, you guys work on your relationships together and your team, Oh man, it'll draw you closer.

[00:28:46] You're going to start to see things changing your relationship. Even if one of you changes at the beginning, I notice things happening and Natalie is like, man, I, I like, I almost felt like I was being left out because she was changing and I wasn't, that's not really afterwards. I thought about that, but it was like, man, I love this woman and I want to keep moving forward.

[00:29:05] Yep. And I actually, when we were in Alberta, I, because my mind goes to like the worst case scenario. So I. Here. This is how, like another refocusing my focus was if something happened to my husband on that. Yeah. How would I feel? Right. And it, and that's really looking at my own self. Right. And then I began to process if you died that day.

[00:29:38] How would I, I would miss you. I would feel guilty because you know, how much time did we spend arguing over minor things, minor things that we let fester into, bigger things. Do you know what I mean? And it, what was the point? Right. Like I felt, and so this was the thought process that I went through that I'm like, okay, like if he.

[00:30:01] Was taken off this earth. I would be absolutely devastated. So I still love you in that moment where it's not like, Oh, well, Oh, well, do you know what I mean? Like for, for us to, to come to that point. Cause I remember having that conversation with you and asking you, like, where do you want this to go? Like I know in my heart where I want it to go, but again, like if you're like we're done.

[00:30:27] Yeah. Then I'm going to have to work through that because I wasn't done. Yeah. And I don't think I ever came to the place when we were done, even though I never voiced that you were done. Yeah, no, no. I don't like, I mean Oh, in your own heart. Yeah. I've just never been like, I'm just, I'm finished with this and I want a divorce.

[00:30:44] I think it came close when you almost left me, but It was never one of those things in my head. I was like, no, we're going, gonna figure this out. Even though at the time when, like, I don't want to figure this out, she's really frustrating me. So what we're saying is that there's hope going into 2021.

[00:30:57] There is hope. I mean, this year wasn't a write-off and I know we know a lot of people that are like Ken this year, just like where everything's just crap, but even those people can look and see the good in the year. Right. And so we just want to say that there is hope going in 2021. And we also wanted to say, do you know what, thank you so much for listening.

[00:31:18] Thank you for being part of Natalie and I's journey in the last 11 months, we've done like 26 episodes now. We thank you for the emails, for the sharing on social media, for the topics that you sent to us. We just want to thank you. And so we have a big plan for next year. Moving forward. We're looking at, you know, talking about some really tough topics like pornography in marriage, intimacy, sex finances.

[00:31:44]Some of these things we've touched on, we want to delve deep adultery, emotional affairs. Physical affairs. We want to talk about children and having kids in marriage and how that is not very distracting sometimes and trust and how that affects how you communicate and how you communicate your expectations.

[00:32:01] Right. We also Enneagram types. So at this point, Natalie, yeah. Is darn near a Enneagram. Specialists. She has done a lot of studies. She's led already a couple of groups on this as to what we're doing. So she's very, very well versed in this. So we're going to be bringing that in and how that actually affects our relationships.

[00:32:19] I wish we would've known this stuff earlier. Yeah. That's a whole nother topic. We'll get there. These are just. Tidbits of some of the things we want to do just to, you know, we haven't talked about finances and we've talked about finances. We were bringing a couple we have a few couples that have some amazing stories that we want them to share with us and share with you about how they've overcome certain things in their relationships and how they did it.

[00:32:43] And just so you're encouraged and you're filled with hope that if that's your reality, that there's hope for you in that because, you know You're not gonna be able to relate with us on every single step of the way. Right? Cause we've not walked certain things. And so we really feel it's important to hear from couples that have, so we have a big year planned.

[00:33:06] And so we're so excited that you are going to continue following us on this journey. So again, you always hear us say, if you liked this podcast, continue sharing, continue letting people know about the amplified marriage podcast. You can follow us on Instagram. On Facebook, if there is any topic or question or anything you would like us to discuss, you can email

[00:33:28] And as you have heard a safe for the final time in 2020, we believe that your marriage. Which can be reset, refreshed, recharged, and restored. Thank you so much for listening and we wish you all a safe and healthy, happy new year. Talk to you soon. .